Stress in the work place can be a serious problem, both to the organization and the employee. According to the International labour organization, stress is recognized worldwide as a major challenge to employee health and the organization healthiness. Good management and good work practices in the organization is the best prevention from stress happening. 40 million work days per year are being lost to employers as a result of stress related absences. No matter how many employees you may have, the cost break down is 1,000 euros per year for each employee. Now multiply that by the number of employees, the cost adds up. Our services will prove that prevention is better than cure and will save your company thousands of euros in lost manpower and revenue.
Our programs are built around your particular needs. Personal support and guidance, in response to individual needs as well as group motivational training and stress management sessions being held, to enable your workforce to operate at peak performance consistently. To put your company back onto that track of guaranteed success, increased performance from your workforce and higher profits, why not give us a call today. Call 0860664599