Your mind is your instrument. Learn to be it’s master and not its slave
We offer a complete mind & body development Health Coaching programs, that will change the way you think & Live. If you suffer from Depression; Anxiety; Phobias; Stress; Lack of Confidence; Motivation and Self-Esteem. Than We Can Help You
Goal Centred Health Coaching
Your mind is your instrument. Learn to be its master and not its slave. We offer a complete mind & body development programs, that will change the way you think & live. If you suffer from Depression, Anxiety, Phobias, Stress, Lack of Confidence, Self-Esteem. We can help you overcome these issues and start a new Life. Goal Centred Health Coaching People with co-occurring disorders, developing new rewarding goals and activities is especially important in moving their health and lives forward. Over the last 30 years working in health coaching industry I have found. That if you have a recurring mind issue and don’t deal with it, you consistently fail in your attempt to achieve new goals ( weight loss, education, relationship’s, sport & jobs). The health coaching programs we develop deal with the mind issue first and then develop a life goal to help both your mind & body to move forward and achieve success. Learn to control your mind, rather than your mind controlling you. Solution focused Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Health Coaching programs open up a new and safe place to new thinking and behaviour.
The Power of Hypnotherapy
Relaxing the mind and with repetitive rehearsal, reprograms the mind into new behaviours. Psychotherapy, the power of words releases the mind of issues that have being holding on to old ideas and behaviours, causing you to have your life to be at a standstill with no place go. With Clinical Hypnotherapy/Psychotherapy we combine CBT into our trance work to give you the client a faster and less intrusive journey in your healing and goal achieving. To the client you learn what caused your life to come to standstill, the triggers that set them off. Therefore, you can now learn to know how to deal them if the symptoms revisit you and have the tools to prevent them and continue with your new life.
[…] with outward goals, i.e. sports performance, new relationships, education and change of careers. Health coaching works also on the internal issues that cause the lack of energy and motivation. We deal with and […]